Google Public DNS - easter egg

  1. There is an easter egg hidden in one of the DNS records of google’s public DNS(
    Try and extract the DNS records pertaining to google public DNS and find the easter egg.
    (It is not really tricky or a challenge, when you see it, you’ll recognize it)


  • The easter egg is not in the records of the IP address You’ll have to extract the records for it’s domain name.
  • PTR record points to domain name for a given IP address.

Dummy network scanner

A client wants you to do a security audit on his networks. The system admin provided you the IP adress range of their networks for you to scan, he has also provided you a list of IP addresses that you should not scan.

Write a script that takes an IP address range to scan and list of IP addresses to exclude from the scan as input(command line arguments)
The output of the script should be a final list of IP adresses(includes all the IP address from the range provided, excludes the IPs that client wanted to be excluded).

SSH exercises